Movin' Mom
Thursday, June 07, 2012
Surprise surprise we're moving again!!! I'm thinking it's time to invest in some good quality towels! We've had this mishmash forever!
I'll wait until I pick out my new color scheme!
We move in 2 weeks and I still haven't packed! Dividing things up between an apartment, storage, donation, and trash! We won't go into the new house until late August early September! At least the apt has a pool!
Coming soon... Choosing cora for the new house! Stand by....
Wednesday, June 06, 2012
Monday, November 08, 2010
My Son's Journey
If you could go back in time to your 18th year...what would you have done differently?
How about your 19th year? My son is in Rome, Italy for his fall semester of his sophomore year.
I cannot even imagine the experience he must be living and the independence he must feel.
What I can imagine is how much a mom can miss her son. I once read the quote/verse "Parents give their children two great gifts, one is roots, the other wings." Truer words could not be said. Although I must admit I have seen many parents who have given the wings much too early in life. My son may think I waited too long to give him his. I could ask him his opinion except he didn't want to take a cell phone to Italy with him. He wanted the full experience. Thank God for facebook and skype. He was there about 4 weeks before we had our first skype session. I broke down in tears seeing his face again. He on the other hand decided to pop open a beer and pour it into a glass while we chatted because ...oh did I mention... drinking age in Italy is 16.
I am very aware that this is HIS journey. However, as his mom I have come to realize that I am on my own journey. Through this process I have learned that 90% of what he says that "used to" frustrate me was purely for my reaction. (hence the popping of the brew via skype) Now I have what I call my "game face" for just those moments in life. I didn't comment one time about the beer. In fact... I was so happy to see his smile that nothing else mattered. I also didn't react when he told me that he jumped off of a 70 foot cliff when no one else would... or how he slept outside on one of his travels... to save money. Oh... here's a good one... how about the one where he was traveling with friends, got separated from them, decided to look for them at 4 am only to discover he couldn't find them. Then to see someone his age who was waiting for a ride from her father (reminder:foreign country/stranger/4am/no cell phone/no money) to ask for a ride to the airport. Arriving at the airport to find all 4 of his friends already there waiting and barely making his flight.
How did I react?
On the inside I was FREAKING OUT! All I could think about was, how did your friends leave you, & WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU GOT INTO A CAR WITH STRANGERS? How did he know at 4am that this wasn't a prostitute and her pimp? What led him to believe that this was actually a father and daughter?
Okay so back to the question: How did I react?
I said to him with my calmest voice: "Well Thank God that you came across such a nice dad that he got you to the airport on time!"
Hello??? Do I hear Academy Award in my future?
I have to admit, as many of those shocking stories that I have gotten from him, I have also received so many signs and moments of knowing that someone is watching over him. That he is where he is suppose to be. That he is growing, maturing, and LIVING. He is on his journey and it's a pretty amazing one at that.
I'm not sure that he would have been able to be the person he was meant to be, the husband he will one day be, or the father he will one day become, without having had this experience.
I read that when Maya Angelou left home at a young age her mother said to her as she walked out the door, "Don't let anyone raise you, you've been raised"
Realizing that I have raised my son, I have given him roots, it was time for the wings... now I only have to wait 31 more days for him to FLY home! :D
How about your 19th year? My son is in Rome, Italy for his fall semester of his sophomore year.
I cannot even imagine the experience he must be living and the independence he must feel.
What I can imagine is how much a mom can miss her son. I once read the quote/verse "Parents give their children two great gifts, one is roots, the other wings." Truer words could not be said. Although I must admit I have seen many parents who have given the wings much too early in life. My son may think I waited too long to give him his. I could ask him his opinion except he didn't want to take a cell phone to Italy with him. He wanted the full experience. Thank God for facebook and skype. He was there about 4 weeks before we had our first skype session. I broke down in tears seeing his face again. He on the other hand decided to pop open a beer and pour it into a glass while we chatted because ...oh did I mention... drinking age in Italy is 16.
I am very aware that this is HIS journey. However, as his mom I have come to realize that I am on my own journey. Through this process I have learned that 90% of what he says that "used to" frustrate me was purely for my reaction. (hence the popping of the brew via skype) Now I have what I call my "game face" for just those moments in life. I didn't comment one time about the beer. In fact... I was so happy to see his smile that nothing else mattered. I also didn't react when he told me that he jumped off of a 70 foot cliff when no one else would... or how he slept outside on one of his travels... to save money. Oh... here's a good one... how about the one where he was traveling with friends, got separated from them, decided to look for them at 4 am only to discover he couldn't find them. Then to see someone his age who was waiting for a ride from her father (reminder:foreign country/stranger/4am/no cell phone/no money) to ask for a ride to the airport. Arriving at the airport to find all 4 of his friends already there waiting and barely making his flight.
How did I react?
On the inside I was FREAKING OUT! All I could think about was, how did your friends leave you, & WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU GOT INTO A CAR WITH STRANGERS? How did he know at 4am that this wasn't a prostitute and her pimp? What led him to believe that this was actually a father and daughter?
Okay so back to the question: How did I react?
I said to him with my calmest voice: "Well Thank God that you came across such a nice dad that he got you to the airport on time!"
Hello??? Do I hear Academy Award in my future?
I have to admit, as many of those shocking stories that I have gotten from him, I have also received so many signs and moments of knowing that someone is watching over him. That he is where he is suppose to be. That he is growing, maturing, and LIVING. He is on his journey and it's a pretty amazing one at that.
I'm not sure that he would have been able to be the person he was meant to be, the husband he will one day be, or the father he will one day become, without having had this experience.
I read that when Maya Angelou left home at a young age her mother said to her as she walked out the door, "Don't let anyone raise you, you've been raised"
Realizing that I have raised my son, I have given him roots, it was time for the wings... now I only have to wait 31 more days for him to FLY home! :D
Friday, September 24, 2010
The simple life of a point & shoot
These are all photos I took of my son at the beach with my Nikon P80. One might ask, why take this camera to the beach when you have a canon rebel? The only answer I can come up with is that I have a relationship with this camera. I can literally whip it out and take a shot without a second thought! I wanted this camera because of it's 18x zoom. Although these are not "zoomed photos" I was able to just whip it out and take these shots. I wasn't worried about my F stop or ISO or getting sand in my lens... you get the picture. (ha get it... get the "picture") Well I did... but then I wonder... would this shot had been 10 times better had I brought the higher quality canon?
I mean let's face it... the subject I was photographing isn't exactly chopped liver.
He does work with me on shots, and is quite good at it!
-so is his shadow-
wish I could take credit for this pose
I like to call this one his baywatch run!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Numero tres photo
Vino & Gizmo |
It's a black and white photo with a sepia tone. Isn't it lovely?
A friend of mine posted a similar photo on facebook and stated how she had just learned that her camera could do this. Not photoshop... but her camera.
The great thing about this friend is that she told me where to find the information on how to change my settings, as opposed to just giving me the "cheats" I need that kind of teaching (hands on) you know... because I'm handsonmom? It's how I retain information...otherwise... I would continue to ask her how to do it. I do admit... it got old fairly quickly when every shot I taking was black & white with a sepia tone.
I was basically only impressing myself!
Then... I found out the settings for a fast acting sporting event. In order to test it out, I had my kids jump off of the stairs and into the air. I must admit... we were all in hysterics.
![]() |
all I asked him to do is jump... |
Then his older brother got involved in test photo shoot... I must admit... I've got some creative minded children. These jumps were all spontaneous. I was just snapping... (and laughing)
![]() |
I was a tad bit concerned for my life here! |
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
day 2 photo 2
This is George/Weezy...
I've been doing a bit of storytelling with this toad. He/she had been living at my front door for quite sometime. I bought a Toad House for those rainy days to put in the flower beds just outside my front door. But a few days ago I crossed my yard to see George/Weezy had relocated to it's new gutter efficiency.
This won't be the last you see if my little friend.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
I've been trying to come up with something... a little inspiration... I want to write again (aka type) I've started post after post... finally I had to step out of the room... shake myself and realize... story tell through photos...that is my new love... taking photos!
Call me a liar! Go ahead everyone, scream it out loud. I've said I was "back" at least 10 times. I've even had some comments from 2 of my favorite bloggers. I guess it just wasn't enough to bring me back. So my new found blog inspiration is to take a photo a day and post it. I may have to rename and reformat my entire blog but... let's not put the cart before the horse... let's just take it one day at a time!
I am new to the whole DSLR world. I do feel like I've always had an eye for photography just never had the right camera.
I have many photographer friends who are always so sweet offering me advice and compliments. But if I were being honest, there are times that I feel like I'm trying to learn algebra for the 3rd year in a row. N = I+M (square) I just cannot retain the information.
F stop, ISO, aperture ..... so I have to MAKE MYSELF pick up the camera. It's so much easier to take my point and shoot but every single time I do that... I get a brilliant shot... that of course is not so brilliant.
I posted this on facebook the other day. I received many compliments. This will be my first photo kick off...
Call me a liar! Go ahead everyone, scream it out loud. I've said I was "back" at least 10 times. I've even had some comments from 2 of my favorite bloggers. I guess it just wasn't enough to bring me back. So my new found blog inspiration is to take a photo a day and post it. I may have to rename and reformat my entire blog but... let's not put the cart before the horse... let's just take it one day at a time!
I am new to the whole DSLR world. I do feel like I've always had an eye for photography just never had the right camera.
I have many photographer friends who are always so sweet offering me advice and compliments. But if I were being honest, there are times that I feel like I'm trying to learn algebra for the 3rd year in a row. N = I+M (square) I just cannot retain the information.
F stop, ISO, aperture ..... so I have to MAKE MYSELF pick up the camera. It's so much easier to take my point and shoot but every single time I do that... I get a brilliant shot... that of course is not so brilliant.
I posted this on facebook the other day. I received many compliments. This will be my first photo kick off...
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Could this be real?
While flipping through a magazine the other day, I came across an ad.
It is a local magazine that arrives through the mail and seems to be filled with
various plastic surgeons, cosmetic dentists, weight loss clinics, and of course boutiques.
I never really pay a lot of attention to those ads however, I came across one that stood out.
Initially I thought it was either weight loss, or plastic surgery...
I could hardly believe that this product would actually exist...
or does it?
This is the actual spread I saw:

But as you draw your eye in closer , you could possibly think...ab workout, diet or plastic surgery....

I have no idea if this is real. There is absolutely no contact information, yet they say they have s-xxl in patterns for men and women. I mean how would you get the belly button part in...
Is this a joke? It's got to be... right?
It is a local magazine that arrives through the mail and seems to be filled with
various plastic surgeons, cosmetic dentists, weight loss clinics, and of course boutiques.
I never really pay a lot of attention to those ads however, I came across one that stood out.
Initially I thought it was either weight loss, or plastic surgery...
I could hardly believe that this product would actually exist...
or does it?
This is the actual spread I saw:
But as you draw your eye in closer , you could possibly think...ab workout, diet or plastic surgery....
I have no idea if this is real. There is absolutely no contact information, yet they say they have s-xxl in patterns for men and women. I mean how would you get the belly button part in...
Is this a joke? It's got to be... right?
Sunday, January 31, 2010
In case you didn't know...
I've moved to Texas.
This is one of those moments where I could have followed that statement with "nuff said"
But there is so much to say. Texas is the biggest state, isn't it?
The sunset skies here are magnificent, The most beautiful shades of orange, pinks, purples, and of course blue.
My youngest often says that he feels like we are on the inside of a globe because it seems you can see one end of the sky to the other. The sky at night IS big and bright....clap clap clap clap DEEP IN THE HEART OF TEXAS.
Pretty soon the flowers will be blooming. My kids will be praying that I am not going to drag them out to the bluebonnet fields
to take the ever famous photos.
I am a native born Texan but have been gone just long enough to lose any form of twang that had developed. It's been almost a year since I have returned and I still have not transitioned from "you guys" back to y'all. It's coming though... I feel it.
The best part of being back is the TEX-MEX food I missed and longed for. Everyone would say, "Try my place... it's the best mexican food you'll ever eat!" But I wasn't looking for mexican food... I wanted TEX-MEX. Well now I have it! Which is why I have had to start Yoga... stretch it all out!
We're closer to family, which my children LOVE and close to what we used to call home. Facebook has re-connected me with all of my old high school friends and some I barely knew but now call friends. It's been 25 years since I graduated high school and at least 20 years since I left the DFW area. It's almost as if I have moved to a new territory. I was starting to feel like a true midwesterner, I truly loved where we were. But little by little my Texan side is starting to show...and it's not too bad.
A friend of ours gave me a quote this morning for my son that pertained to his wrestling. However, after reading it a couple of times I realized it has a lot to do with how often we move and how we get through it.
It's a quote by Darwin:
"The future of the species does not belong to the strongest or the most intelligent.....but rather to those that are the quickest to adapt to their environment"
Saturday, January 30, 2010

This is pretty much the dominating factor of my life. I'm changing this today.
Only to come back to Blogger. I miss writing/typing daily and reading everyone's
stories. I'm not sure how many of you are still here but I'm going to find you guys

Don't get me wrong... I realized that I am just trading one addiction for another. Sitting in front of the computer and multi-tasking housework between computer checks. But I realized I have been watching the clock and time is just passing me by.
I have been making changes and feel very confidant that I am going to stick to these newly found activities along with some of the old.

I have been in Yoga for a week now and feel fantastic. I actually found a friend who is at the same pace that I am at. We went on a "stroll" the other day and we walked at an even pace. You know people like this are very hard to find for me. I always seem to befriend the health fanatics, the ones who can actually do the elliptical machine. This woman is NOT me nor is it my new yoga friend.
2010 has got be it for me... BIG CHANGES...
stay tuned...
I will be back tomorrow!
Friday, December 18, 2009
There is something special about this day!
Nico is home from school, Alex lettered in wrestling today, Gianina is home from babysitting and Luke is on a sleepover birthday! My niece is visiting, my mom will be here tomorrow and the holidays are here!
4 days ago my puppy finally started to bark at the back door to go potty!
Life is good.
I think... blogging is tugging on me.... and it's time to step away from facebook for a while!
...I'm thinking...this is the plan!
Nico is home from school, Alex lettered in wrestling today, Gianina is home from babysitting and Luke is on a sleepover birthday! My niece is visiting, my mom will be here tomorrow and the holidays are here!
4 days ago my puppy finally started to bark at the back door to go potty!
Life is good.
I think... blogging is tugging on me.... and it's time to step away from facebook for a while!
...I'm thinking...this is the plan!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Dare I fill in the gaps?
Perhaps... but not all at once. I shall periodically leave small anecdotes of the chapters unspoken!
Fast forward to life it stands.
I am now emotionally coping with my eldest away at college. He isn't far but he is away. I believe that the "coping" actually has more to do with his new found independence than the "away"-ness of it all. He and I have the occasional text and even less occasional phone call. When I dropped him off at school, everyone was fully anticipating my tears... even me! As he walked us to the car, there was an uncomfortable silence surrounding our family. Who would start the goodbye? Then my son looked at me and said, "Okay mommy, I'm going to walk over to you.... hug you ... and then I am going to walk away!"
I miss his daily presence in my life. I miss his embrace. I miss his smile. I miss him.
That being said, we were both ready for this chapter of his life to begin. He needed college life to begin. Moving him mid-senior year (this would be one of those small anecdotes I'm filling in) My husband took a buyout package after 20 years with the same company. He is now with another company and that job moved us to Texas mid senior year for our eldest. He was given the opportunity to graduate early which benefited him. He didn't have to try and transfer credits, or find out that he was missing some freshman class credit he would have to take senior year. However, he became a couch potato faster than I could eat a bag of potato chips. He finally got a job at a pizza place and then onto a manger job at our neighborhood pool. This created a very busy boy with money! Then the day came....when he turned 18.
What is it about the magic number 18 that makes a young man believe that all rules go out the door? Suddenly everything followed with, "But I'm 18 years old!"
"It's bedtime!" "But...I'm 18 years old!"
"Someone needs to do the dishes" "But I'm 18 years old!"
"Be home at midnight" "But...I'm 18 years old!"
"WHY would you buy cigars.... you have asthma?" "Because...I'm 18 years old!"
You get the picture!
As I go back to my original thought.... I miss him with everything in my being.... but it was time!
I texted him over Labor Day weekend.
Do you have any big plans this weekend?
His response:
IDK Y do u ask?
Because it's Labor Day weekend and it's really weird not knowing your plans now that your gone!
His response:
I thoroughly enjoy that!
Needless to say, this has been an adjustment for me.
-Today he is sick.
-a few days ago he got a speeding ticket.
-last week he hated bio
-now a smart-hot girl is helping with bio and all is well.
-Going out to eat I still ask for a table for 6.
-I need to stop grabbing 6 forks at dinner time, we only need 5.
-It took me 3 weeks before i could go back into his bedroom and clean.
-when I dropped him off at pre-school he cried and wouldn't let me go
-when I dropped him off at college I cried and wouldn't let him go
Life is all about adjusting...after all I have a junior next in line and time to start the process all over again.
Homecoming is fast approaching and I also have a freshman daughter who is in a school now with senior BOYS!!!!
A 5th grader who is in his last year of elementary so I crazily sign on to any and all volunteer positions...*sigh*... what was I thinking? Can I declare temporary insanity based on the fact that had just dropped my eldest at college and realized my youngest was in his last year of elementary? insanity..... INSANITY I SAY!!!!!!
This is my life... This is our life!
Fast forward to life it stands.
I am now emotionally coping with my eldest away at college. He isn't far but he is away. I believe that the "coping" actually has more to do with his new found independence than the "away"-ness of it all. He and I have the occasional text and even less occasional phone call. When I dropped him off at school, everyone was fully anticipating my tears... even me! As he walked us to the car, there was an uncomfortable silence surrounding our family. Who would start the goodbye? Then my son looked at me and said, "Okay mommy, I'm going to walk over to you.... hug you ... and then I am going to walk away!"
I miss his daily presence in my life. I miss his embrace. I miss his smile. I miss him.
That being said, we were both ready for this chapter of his life to begin. He needed college life to begin. Moving him mid-senior year (this would be one of those small anecdotes I'm filling in) My husband took a buyout package after 20 years with the same company. He is now with another company and that job moved us to Texas mid senior year for our eldest. He was given the opportunity to graduate early which benefited him. He didn't have to try and transfer credits, or find out that he was missing some freshman class credit he would have to take senior year. However, he became a couch potato faster than I could eat a bag of potato chips. He finally got a job at a pizza place and then onto a manger job at our neighborhood pool. This created a very busy boy with money! Then the day came....when he turned 18.
What is it about the magic number 18 that makes a young man believe that all rules go out the door? Suddenly everything followed with, "But I'm 18 years old!"
"It's bedtime!" "But...I'm 18 years old!"
"Someone needs to do the dishes" "But I'm 18 years old!"
"Be home at midnight" "But...I'm 18 years old!"
"WHY would you buy cigars.... you have asthma?" "Because...I'm 18 years old!"
You get the picture!
As I go back to my original thought.... I miss him with everything in my being.... but it was time!
I texted him over Labor Day weekend.
Do you have any big plans this weekend?
His response:
IDK Y do u ask?
Because it's Labor Day weekend and it's really weird not knowing your plans now that your gone!
His response:
I thoroughly enjoy that!
Needless to say, this has been an adjustment for me.
-Today he is sick.
-a few days ago he got a speeding ticket.
-last week he hated bio
-now a smart-hot girl is helping with bio and all is well.
-Going out to eat I still ask for a table for 6.
-I need to stop grabbing 6 forks at dinner time, we only need 5.
-It took me 3 weeks before i could go back into his bedroom and clean.
-when I dropped him off at pre-school he cried and wouldn't let me go
-when I dropped him off at college I cried and wouldn't let him go
Life is all about adjusting...after all I have a junior next in line and time to start the process all over again.
Homecoming is fast approaching and I also have a freshman daughter who is in a school now with senior BOYS!!!!
A 5th grader who is in his last year of elementary so I crazily sign on to any and all volunteer positions...*sigh*... what was I thinking? Can I declare temporary insanity based on the fact that had just dropped my eldest at college and realized my youngest was in his last year of elementary? insanity..... INSANITY I SAY!!!!!!
This is my life... This is our life!
Monday, February 02, 2009
Where am I?
It's like going back home... every time I move.
Almost as if home were my therapist. The BLOG World.
A place where I can rant and rave about all of the trials and tribulations
of once again... packing up the house!
Only this time... It was different.
I have taken you through 2 of the last 8 moves I have made.
I believe it was Illinois to Wisconsin where we only had a 15 month stay. Then Wisconsin to Michigan which was less than a year.
But this time after 20 years Movin' Dad decided to move to another company. Who in turn decided to move us to another state.
TEXAS! My homeland, where the deer and the buffalo roammm... where seldom is heard... a discouraging worddddd......unless of course 6 people are sharing one bathroom.
Okay anyway, I AM a native born Texan. So I should be golden about the move. But this has to be by far our most challenging.
New company, new rules, new limitations on weight of furniture on the truck.... 25,000 tons, SERIOUSLY?
Then... we decide to build! I KNOW.. I know... ~CRAZY~ So we are living in a temporary apartment until the home is done, which could be... 3 weeks! 6 people, one dog, small one room apartment. PRAY people~ PRAY for my sanity!
On a pleasant note... I am having more fun on facebook lately finding all of my old classmates. In fact, so much so that I find myself...dare I say it aloud? ADDICTED! So I thought... It is time to focus on something else for a while ... break away a bit from the facebook world... give people time to miss you, but what? What could occupy me......
So here I am!
Talk to ya' tomorrow!
my Texan twang is creepin' back just a bit!
Almost as if home were my therapist. The BLOG World.
A place where I can rant and rave about all of the trials and tribulations
of once again... packing up the house!
Only this time... It was different.
I have taken you through 2 of the last 8 moves I have made.
I believe it was Illinois to Wisconsin where we only had a 15 month stay. Then Wisconsin to Michigan which was less than a year.
But this time after 20 years Movin' Dad decided to move to another company. Who in turn decided to move us to another state.
TEXAS! My homeland, where the deer and the buffalo roammm... where seldom is heard... a discouraging worddddd......unless of course 6 people are sharing one bathroom.
Okay anyway, I AM a native born Texan. So I should be golden about the move. But this has to be by far our most challenging.
New company, new rules, new limitations on weight of furniture on the truck.... 25,000 tons, SERIOUSLY?
Then... we decide to build! I KNOW.. I know... ~CRAZY~ So we are living in a temporary apartment until the home is done, which could be... 3 weeks! 6 people, one dog, small one room apartment. PRAY people~ PRAY for my sanity!
On a pleasant note... I am having more fun on facebook lately finding all of my old classmates. In fact, so much so that I find myself...dare I say it aloud? ADDICTED! So I thought... It is time to focus on something else for a while ... break away a bit from the facebook world... give people time to miss you, but what? What could occupy me......
So here I am!
Talk to ya' tomorrow!
my Texan twang is creepin' back just a bit!
Saturday, August 16, 2008

I have my oldest right smack in the middle of the college process. Tonight....out of the blue, my youngest and I decided to purchase this ON DEMAND. We laughed and laughed. Donny Osmond had me in stitches a couple of times. I would definitely clarify this as a comedy, however at the end ... I found myself crying. CRYING!
*SPOILER---- I think it was that moment that the mom and the dad were saying goodbye to her as they dropped her off at college. Spoiler meaning.....perhaps you may not realize during the movie that it will end this way :/
ANYWAY... Even more important than the movie we watched.......
CAN I GET A HOO-HAAA for the AMERICAN MAN who had me screaming with GLEE tonight...MICHAEL PHELPS
NUMERO OCHO on the GOLD!!!!!!

Friday, August 08, 2008
How do I teach my children?
There was a time, not so long ago, when I could teach and guide my children. A time when what I said, actually seemed knowledgeable to them.
However, there have been a few subjects that (because I am a mom from another place and time) I just "don't get it!"
For instance, the Bill Clinton/Monica Lewinsky incident. It definitely changed the thoughts of our youth on the definition of sex.
I can preach and preach and guide and talk and put on my most knowledgeable advice hat, but I speak to deaf ears.
As a mom, you just know when you are speaking on a right vs wrong subject and when there will never be an agreement on both parts.
Now this isn't just with my own children. I have heard other kids in our home's opinions and it seems to be that they are all in agreement with the former president.
Oral sex is not sex!
(YES IT IS!!!)
Now don't think I haven't tried to do my research. I have looked for every and any example/book I could get my hands on. I watch Dr. Phil's episodes when he has had Dr's and men of the church on all discussing the issues of todays teens and their promiscuity. I have asked my most spiritually educated friends for guidance in the Bible. HELP, it has to be in there somewhere.
But nothing comes to me.
It always falls on you just shouldn't do it.
I need concrete evidence people!
My two older boys are extremely intelligent. Unless I can open up the Bible or have someone significant in their eyes (there was a time that person was me!) have a convincing argument, this is just one of those things that is generational.
It makes me want to have a conversation with Bill Clinton and have him perhaps do the damage control by publicly going to high schools and speaking to our youth. SOMEONE......SOMEONE out there must have the answer, but it has to be an intelligent one!
Yes, I bring up an issue from years pass. Because this is a now issue for me and i still have two more children who will become teens after I get through these teen years with the boys.
My issue now is politically connected as well.
As I recently updated, we are now back in the Detroit area. Yes...Detroit where our mayor is in the national media! OH...Not just in the national media but in the Wayne County jail as well!

Here is a man who perhaps feels he is above the law. I don't know him personally however...he has been allegedly dishonest.
Allegedly cheated on his wife and lied about it in a court of law. Allegedly left the country when he was ordered to not even leave the state.
Here is a man who gets angry and aggressive with the media. Who wants the media to leave his family alone so THEY can heal.
When he created this scenario. I do not understand this way of thinking. I want to make sure that the law holds him accountable for his dishonesty. How am I suppose to teach my children right from wrong when people who are in the media, political figures, celebrities (Jamie Lynn Spears) are screwing up and not being held accountable?
Yeah I threw that Spears girl thing in there because I have a daughter who will be 13. It's one thing to screw up and take care of your business but a whole other thing to make the cover of OK magazine for it!!!
However, there have been a few subjects that (because I am a mom from another place and time) I just "don't get it!"
For instance, the Bill Clinton/Monica Lewinsky incident. It definitely changed the thoughts of our youth on the definition of sex.
I can preach and preach and guide and talk and put on my most knowledgeable advice hat, but I speak to deaf ears.
As a mom, you just know when you are speaking on a right vs wrong subject and when there will never be an agreement on both parts.
Now this isn't just with my own children. I have heard other kids in our home's opinions and it seems to be that they are all in agreement with the former president.
Oral sex is not sex!
(YES IT IS!!!)
Now don't think I haven't tried to do my research. I have looked for every and any example/book I could get my hands on. I watch Dr. Phil's episodes when he has had Dr's and men of the church on all discussing the issues of todays teens and their promiscuity. I have asked my most spiritually educated friends for guidance in the Bible. HELP, it has to be in there somewhere.
But nothing comes to me.
It always falls on you just shouldn't do it.
I need concrete evidence people!
My two older boys are extremely intelligent. Unless I can open up the Bible or have someone significant in their eyes (there was a time that person was me!) have a convincing argument, this is just one of those things that is generational.
It makes me want to have a conversation with Bill Clinton and have him perhaps do the damage control by publicly going to high schools and speaking to our youth. SOMEONE......SOMEONE out there must have the answer, but it has to be an intelligent one!
Yes, I bring up an issue from years pass. Because this is a now issue for me and i still have two more children who will become teens after I get through these teen years with the boys.
My issue now is politically connected as well.
As I recently updated, we are now back in the Detroit area. Yes...Detroit where our mayor is in the national media! OH...Not just in the national media but in the Wayne County jail as well!

Here is a man who perhaps feels he is above the law. I don't know him personally however...he has been allegedly dishonest.
Allegedly cheated on his wife and lied about it in a court of law. Allegedly left the country when he was ordered to not even leave the state.
Here is a man who gets angry and aggressive with the media. Who wants the media to leave his family alone so THEY can heal.
When he created this scenario. I do not understand this way of thinking. I want to make sure that the law holds him accountable for his dishonesty. How am I suppose to teach my children right from wrong when people who are in the media, political figures, celebrities (Jamie Lynn Spears) are screwing up and not being held accountable?
Yeah I threw that Spears girl thing in there because I have a daughter who will be 13. It's one thing to screw up and take care of your business but a whole other thing to make the cover of OK magazine for it!!!

Thursday, August 07, 2008
A Trip to Chicago
We recently took a trip to Chicago to check out Loyola for my son. He brought his best friend along. I must say, I loved it, he loved it and even husband loved it. We haven't really all 3 liked the same schools yet. Loyola was our 5th school to visit. It just seemed to be the perfect fit for him.
We drove around the DePaul campus before heading over to Loyola but as we entered the neighborhood my son said, "Don't need to look at this school!"
His opinion was based purely on the amount of Obama posters hanging EVERYWHERE!
You see, my son is a DIE HARD Republican. It almost made my husband and I chuckle a bit.
I am not sure when it actually happened...the little boy who made me a mommy finding his opinion.
But an opinion he has. He will debate the right from wrong with the best of them.
The smile on his face as we pulled into the Loyola neighborhood and saw McCain flyers EVERYWHERE was priceless.
Not that this alone is what he based his opinion on.
Because it really doesn't matter where we like or what majority political party is represented, he is choosing his home for the next few years. I believe that one of his top requirements is a big city, and who doesn't like Chicago?
I kind of felt like I was with bodyguards. Here he is with his dad and best friend walking the campus.

As we were leaving, we spotted a fox right outside the door

The trip was not all about him. We were able to visit with friends and see my MIL who just happened to be there visiting her best friend.
here we all are after lunch

Our family loves Chicago. It is my guess that one day...after all of the children are gone, we will be one of those hip retired couples who have a condo in downtown Chi town. Hopefully with any luck, all of our children will raise their families in the same area. If not...I'd settle for visiting them in Italy or Hawaii or someplace like that.
We drove around the DePaul campus before heading over to Loyola but as we entered the neighborhood my son said, "Don't need to look at this school!"
His opinion was based purely on the amount of Obama posters hanging EVERYWHERE!
You see, my son is a DIE HARD Republican. It almost made my husband and I chuckle a bit.
I am not sure when it actually happened...the little boy who made me a mommy finding his opinion.
But an opinion he has. He will debate the right from wrong with the best of them.
The smile on his face as we pulled into the Loyola neighborhood and saw McCain flyers EVERYWHERE was priceless.
Not that this alone is what he based his opinion on.
Because it really doesn't matter where we like or what majority political party is represented, he is choosing his home for the next few years. I believe that one of his top requirements is a big city, and who doesn't like Chicago?
I kind of felt like I was with bodyguards. Here he is with his dad and best friend walking the campus.
As we were leaving, we spotted a fox right outside the door
The trip was not all about him. We were able to visit with friends and see my MIL who just happened to be there visiting her best friend.
here we all are after lunch
Our family loves Chicago. It is my guess that one day...after all of the children are gone, we will be one of those hip retired couples who have a condo in downtown Chi town. Hopefully with any luck, all of our children will raise their families in the same area. If not...I'd settle for visiting them in Italy or Hawaii or someplace like that.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
tormenting his sister
My daughter is about to be 13 in a couple of months. A few days ago she had some friends over. 3 Boys and 2 Girls to be exact.
As soon as they arrived, she made the introductions to our family and then off they went to the basement to make friendship bracelets. This did not sit well with her two older brothers who of course had to follow them.
First, her brother 3 years older needed to figure out the dynamics of the group. Who likes who and vice versa.
So he kept asking and refused to leave until he got the answer.
So one of the girls spoke up, "Well, G (my daughter) used to like him,
but he didn't like her back, NOW he likes her...(A LOT) but she doesn't like him back.
The poor kids stood there dumbfounded. My son looked at him with all the sensitivity a fellow dude can have and said,
"Ouch!.....been there....done that!" and off he went.
I'm thinking....not too bad, that was actually minimal torture compared to what she is used to getting from them when boys are involved.
I'm up in the kitchen making dinner
*sidenote- UP in the kitchen? Who says that? Well I can tell you I never did growing up in the south! I mean, I might have said,
"Up there in them there hills".....but NEVER Up in the kitchen. Of course....we didn't have basements in the south. So anyway...
I'm up in the kitchen, thinking full well that she's dealt with all the embarrassment she is going to have to deal with when what do I hear....
My son yelling down the basement stairs, "G, you forgot to's really starting to stink up here........can you please come flush?"
I was mortified for her.
She of course took it with all the laughter that the boys took it with and yelled up to him......
"I gotta give you that one Alex.....that was one of your best!"
I love that moment when you realize that your kids are growing up and actually might even be friends!
As soon as they arrived, she made the introductions to our family and then off they went to the basement to make friendship bracelets. This did not sit well with her two older brothers who of course had to follow them.
First, her brother 3 years older needed to figure out the dynamics of the group. Who likes who and vice versa.
So he kept asking and refused to leave until he got the answer.
So one of the girls spoke up, "Well, G (my daughter) used to like him,
but he didn't like her back, NOW he likes her...(A LOT) but she doesn't like him back.
The poor kids stood there dumbfounded. My son looked at him with all the sensitivity a fellow dude can have and said,
"Ouch!.....been there....done that!" and off he went.
I'm thinking....not too bad, that was actually minimal torture compared to what she is used to getting from them when boys are involved.
I'm up in the kitchen making dinner
*sidenote- UP in the kitchen? Who says that? Well I can tell you I never did growing up in the south! I mean, I might have said,
"Up there in them there hills".....but NEVER Up in the kitchen. Of course....we didn't have basements in the south. So anyway...
I'm up in the kitchen, thinking full well that she's dealt with all the embarrassment she is going to have to deal with when what do I hear....
My son yelling down the basement stairs, "G, you forgot to's really starting to stink up here........can you please come flush?"
I was mortified for her.
She of course took it with all the laughter that the boys took it with and yelled up to him......
"I gotta give you that one Alex.....that was one of your best!"
I love that moment when you realize that your kids are growing up and actually might even be friends!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Is your Sun shining?
You know how sometimes you can go a long time without talking to a friend. Then one day either you or that friend decides to pick up that phone and give you a call. Maybe it's been a few months, maybe even a few years, but you just start talking like it was yesterday.
My Movin' Mom life has left me with friends from here to timbuktu. Yet we can usually just pick up right where we left off. I am hoping the same will apply with all of you. I am very much a creature of habit, so once you get out of the morning ritual it's hard to get back up on the bike again.
SO HERE I wheels free, hoping I can create the "habit" once again.
I recently (4 days ago) turned 41 years old. My grandmother (3 weeks ago) turned 85 years old. I realize it isn't an exact half but it amazes me still that I am half her age. Kind of how my 3 year old niece will feel about me when she turns 41.
WOW~ I need a moment to let that set in.
UPDATES on my recent posts.
My eldest is still searching for the right fit but I believe he is finally trying to focus on that.
His struggle right now is that his GPA could be better but his ACT was amazing.
He broke up with his long distance relationship, but has had a "new friend" here almost daily since.
I try to explain that there should be at least one full deep cleansing breath before someone else swoops in.
Awww to be a kid again!
Next in line, my 15 year old. We have been driving around town letting him get his practice in. (learners permit)
He is an excellent driver but doesn't handle criticism well. He is also benefiting from his brother's college research.
He went to see his counselor and had an AP class added to his schedule for the fall. He has sworn off relationships
for now.....which at least allows me one deep cleansing breath.
Following with my daughter, who is about to become 13! She handed me her grades this morning and is doing amazing. She is for the first time in her life a part of a team. Tennis is not her first choice and she is having to work really hard because the other girls on the team seemed to have had more experience. But with each tennis match she improves. The boy that her brothers despised broke up with her, which as a mom I have to admit....I was a little bummed that he beat her to the punch.
I know thats horrible for me to say but I would have rather it had been her breaking up with him. Even though I Have sons and know how they would feel, I saw my daughter and how it made her feel. All part of life I guess. Movin' Dad's response (he didn't like him either) was the end result is the same and that is all that matters.
And then there was one, my youngest who is about to become a double digit. He is living extreme joy because his oldest brother finally put our trampoline together. We're thinking of starting him in lacrosse because he too has never been on a team sport. Then there's Tai Kwon Do, skateboarding, gymnastics, wrestling.....he has a different idea every single day. I think each time we get to the point of signing him up he changes his mind to another sport.
Coming up with my posts had been such a struggle because of the personal information that my kids would not want out there. On top of the move which really kept me busy here in Michigan. Wisconsin was a time in my life where I had a ton of time on my hands. A lack of girlfriends and not a lot of places to go shopping or out to eat. Michigan is exactly the opposite.
My friends here are quite social, It is rare that I sit at home with nothing to do. But I am trying to find my creative side again.
The Sun is shining and that makes me feel HAPPY!
I have yet to catch up on anyone but I will. But right now I am heading to the mall...hee hee hee!!!
My Movin' Mom life has left me with friends from here to timbuktu. Yet we can usually just pick up right where we left off. I am hoping the same will apply with all of you. I am very much a creature of habit, so once you get out of the morning ritual it's hard to get back up on the bike again.
SO HERE I wheels free, hoping I can create the "habit" once again.
I recently (4 days ago) turned 41 years old. My grandmother (3 weeks ago) turned 85 years old. I realize it isn't an exact half but it amazes me still that I am half her age. Kind of how my 3 year old niece will feel about me when she turns 41.
WOW~ I need a moment to let that set in.
UPDATES on my recent posts.
My eldest is still searching for the right fit but I believe he is finally trying to focus on that.
His struggle right now is that his GPA could be better but his ACT was amazing.
He broke up with his long distance relationship, but has had a "new friend" here almost daily since.
I try to explain that there should be at least one full deep cleansing breath before someone else swoops in.
Awww to be a kid again!
Next in line, my 15 year old. We have been driving around town letting him get his practice in. (learners permit)
He is an excellent driver but doesn't handle criticism well. He is also benefiting from his brother's college research.
He went to see his counselor and had an AP class added to his schedule for the fall. He has sworn off relationships
for now.....which at least allows me one deep cleansing breath.
Following with my daughter, who is about to become 13! She handed me her grades this morning and is doing amazing. She is for the first time in her life a part of a team. Tennis is not her first choice and she is having to work really hard because the other girls on the team seemed to have had more experience. But with each tennis match she improves. The boy that her brothers despised broke up with her, which as a mom I have to admit....I was a little bummed that he beat her to the punch.
I know thats horrible for me to say but I would have rather it had been her breaking up with him. Even though I Have sons and know how they would feel, I saw my daughter and how it made her feel. All part of life I guess. Movin' Dad's response (he didn't like him either) was the end result is the same and that is all that matters.
And then there was one, my youngest who is about to become a double digit. He is living extreme joy because his oldest brother finally put our trampoline together. We're thinking of starting him in lacrosse because he too has never been on a team sport. Then there's Tai Kwon Do, skateboarding, gymnastics, wrestling.....he has a different idea every single day. I think each time we get to the point of signing him up he changes his mind to another sport.
Coming up with my posts had been such a struggle because of the personal information that my kids would not want out there. On top of the move which really kept me busy here in Michigan. Wisconsin was a time in my life where I had a ton of time on my hands. A lack of girlfriends and not a lot of places to go shopping or out to eat. Michigan is exactly the opposite.
My friends here are quite social, It is rare that I sit at home with nothing to do. But I am trying to find my creative side again.
The Sun is shining and that makes me feel HAPPY!
I have yet to catch up on anyone but I will. But right now I am heading to the mall...hee hee hee!!!
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Putting things in God's Hands
Last night, my boys had a group of friends over.
There is always a tremendous amount of teasing that goes on between my kids but even more so, the two oldest.
They are only 14 months apart and are finally at a point where they do quite a bit together including having the same friends.
I can count on one hand the amount of fights, they have had.I don't mean racing to see who makes it to the front seat of my car first, or even walking by and getting a punch in every so often. I mean a really anger filled rage like fight. So mad at each other they couldn't see straight. The answer is twice. Obviously the first time broke my heart. It was even within this year. My boys had lead approx 15 years of their life without having that happen. Needless to say, I probably overreacted to it.
So last night, the teasing started as always. But like two brothers who are together 24/7, same school, share a room, wrestle together, same friends, they know everything there is to know about each other. Especially what to say to get the other one going. It unraveled without anyone even knowing.
At some point my 15 year old made a comment that didn't sit well but he didn't react. Until they went down to the basement.
Then in front of all the other kids, my oldest decides to tackle my 15 year old and start beatin' on him.
Well normally I hear about it immediately. But it wasn't until later that my eldest decided to say something.
If you can visualize this, I was silently screaming at him. It's exhausting! WHY, WHY, WHY? I know that a lot of reactions will be that their brothers, and that's what brothers do. BUT NOT IN MY HOUSE. Our rules and what we have taught them are that you don't EVER hit the people that you love. EVER!!!! NO EXCEPTIONS! Then I threw in there, that I would tell their dad about it the next day. Just so they know....this discussion isn't over!
So before I go to bed I said my prayers. As always, I add a prayer in that if my children are doing something wrong, that they be caught. That if they are veering off of a path that they be held accountable.
Well one day later (today), I sent my two boys (who of course are good with each other now) ...(but still no apology) to the gas station to get some pop for their sister and her friends. They both walk in and there are two men behind the counter, ironically enough two brothers.
They ask my guys if they are also brothers.
They say "YES!"
One man says to my eldest, "let me guess, are you the oldest?"
My son smiles and says, "YES!"
The he asked my son, "Let me ask you, do you ever hit on him?"
My other son says, " uh yeah....last night he did!"
The guy looks at my son and says, "DID YOU REALLY?"
he handed him back the change and said, "Have a nice day!"
and they left.
The most remarkable part of this story is that my oldest son
came home and told me this whole story. It really affected him.
I looked right into his eyes and said, "That was God!" That's how he works.
I pray that my children be held accountable. Do I want them to feel bad.....NO!
I want them to know that God is always watching.
I want them to be good and when they screw we all do...I want them to feel remorse.
Especially if they have hurt someone.
This story has a happy ending.
Which is why I put things in God's hands.
There is always a tremendous amount of teasing that goes on between my kids but even more so, the two oldest.
They are only 14 months apart and are finally at a point where they do quite a bit together including having the same friends.
I can count on one hand the amount of fights, they have had.I don't mean racing to see who makes it to the front seat of my car first, or even walking by and getting a punch in every so often. I mean a really anger filled rage like fight. So mad at each other they couldn't see straight. The answer is twice. Obviously the first time broke my heart. It was even within this year. My boys had lead approx 15 years of their life without having that happen. Needless to say, I probably overreacted to it.
So last night, the teasing started as always. But like two brothers who are together 24/7, same school, share a room, wrestle together, same friends, they know everything there is to know about each other. Especially what to say to get the other one going. It unraveled without anyone even knowing.
At some point my 15 year old made a comment that didn't sit well but he didn't react. Until they went down to the basement.
Then in front of all the other kids, my oldest decides to tackle my 15 year old and start beatin' on him.
Well normally I hear about it immediately. But it wasn't until later that my eldest decided to say something.
If you can visualize this, I was silently screaming at him. It's exhausting! WHY, WHY, WHY? I know that a lot of reactions will be that their brothers, and that's what brothers do. BUT NOT IN MY HOUSE. Our rules and what we have taught them are that you don't EVER hit the people that you love. EVER!!!! NO EXCEPTIONS! Then I threw in there, that I would tell their dad about it the next day. Just so they know....this discussion isn't over!
So before I go to bed I said my prayers. As always, I add a prayer in that if my children are doing something wrong, that they be caught. That if they are veering off of a path that they be held accountable.
Well one day later (today), I sent my two boys (who of course are good with each other now) ...(but still no apology) to the gas station to get some pop for their sister and her friends. They both walk in and there are two men behind the counter, ironically enough two brothers.
They ask my guys if they are also brothers.
They say "YES!"
One man says to my eldest, "let me guess, are you the oldest?"
My son smiles and says, "YES!"
The he asked my son, "Let me ask you, do you ever hit on him?"
My other son says, " uh yeah....last night he did!"
The guy looks at my son and says, "DID YOU REALLY?"
he handed him back the change and said, "Have a nice day!"
and they left.
The most remarkable part of this story is that my oldest son
came home and told me this whole story. It really affected him.
I looked right into his eyes and said, "That was God!" That's how he works.
I pray that my children be held accountable. Do I want them to feel bad.....NO!
I want them to know that God is always watching.
I want them to be good and when they screw we all do...I want them to feel remorse.
Especially if they have hurt someone.
This story has a happy ending.
Which is why I put things in God's hands.
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