Monday, July 31, 2006

What to do on a hot day?

Here's the view from my hammock - But it's too hot to lay outside

It's a good day for a haircut!
this is my son BEFORE

and here he is AFTER
He should be a little cooler now!

Here are my two bookends in the pool "cooling off"
I think they have it all figured out!

This is what my car thermometer said today @ 5 pm
This is crazy! We are in the midwest NOT Texas!

Oooh Pics of my kids----Don't be hatin' on the mommybloggers!

1 comment:

Mayberry said...

Hey movin'mom--thanks for stopping by! That's funny about the photo you mentioned. After BlogHer I am reconsidering it. The color is distinctive... good luck with your move and let me know if I can be of help or answer any questions or just buy you a cup of coffee when you get here.