Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Is your Sun shining?

You know how sometimes you can go a long time without talking to a friend. Then one day either you or that friend decides to pick up that phone and give you a call. Maybe it's been a few months, maybe even a few years, but you just start talking like it was yesterday.

My Movin' Mom life has left me with friends from here to timbuktu. Yet we can usually just pick up right where we left off. I am hoping the same will apply with all of you. I am very much a creature of habit, so once you get out of the morning ritual it's hard to get back up on the bike again.

SO HERE I wheels free, hoping I can create the "habit" once again.

I recently (4 days ago) turned 41 years old. My grandmother (3 weeks ago) turned 85 years old. I realize it isn't an exact half but it amazes me still that I am half her age. Kind of how my 3 year old niece will feel about me when she turns 41.

WOW~ I need a moment to let that set in.


UPDATES on my recent posts.

My eldest is still searching for the right fit but I believe he is finally trying to focus on that.
His struggle right now is that his GPA could be better but his ACT was amazing.
He broke up with his long distance relationship, but has had a "new friend" here almost daily since.
I try to explain that there should be at least one full deep cleansing breath before someone else swoops in.
Awww to be a kid again!

Next in line, my 15 year old. We have been driving around town letting him get his practice in. (learners permit)
He is an excellent driver but doesn't handle criticism well. He is also benefiting from his brother's college research.
He went to see his counselor and had an AP class added to his schedule for the fall. He has sworn off relationships
for now.....which at least allows me one deep cleansing breath.

Following with my daughter, who is about to become 13! She handed me her grades this morning and is doing amazing. She is for the first time in her life a part of a team. Tennis is not her first choice and she is having to work really hard because the other girls on the team seemed to have had more experience. But with each tennis match she improves. The boy that her brothers despised broke up with her, which as a mom I have to admit....I was a little bummed that he beat her to the punch.
I know thats horrible for me to say but I would have rather it had been her breaking up with him. Even though I Have sons and know how they would feel, I saw my daughter and how it made her feel. All part of life I guess. Movin' Dad's response (he didn't like him either) was the end result is the same and that is all that matters.

And then there was one, my youngest who is about to become a double digit. He is living extreme joy because his oldest brother finally put our trampoline together. We're thinking of starting him in lacrosse because he too has never been on a team sport. Then there's Tai Kwon Do, skateboarding, gymnastics, wrestling.....he has a different idea every single day. I think each time we get to the point of signing him up he changes his mind to another sport.

Coming up with my posts had been such a struggle because of the personal information that my kids would not want out there. On top of the move which really kept me busy here in Michigan. Wisconsin was a time in my life where I had a ton of time on my hands. A lack of girlfriends and not a lot of places to go shopping or out to eat. Michigan is exactly the opposite.
My friends here are quite social, It is rare that I sit at home with nothing to do. But I am trying to find my creative side again.
The Sun is shining and that makes me feel HAPPY!

I have yet to catch up on anyone but I will. But right now I am heading to the mall...hee hee hee!!!


Mayberry said...

Happy birthday! It's great to get an update on all of you. Just yesterday my kids were asking "Why can't N. come and babysit? How about G. then?"

Kelly said...

Great to catch up with you! Are you in the new place now?

Movin Mom said...

Yes I am in the new place now and I feel like I have lived here for years!!!!

me said...

yea for updates!!!! time for a new one

I begin the college search with my neice AGAIN.

There should be some kind of rule that no one has to go through this 2 years in a row!

And she is EXACT opposite, she will want to go everywhere....Lord give me strength (again)

Glad all is well