Call me a liar! Go ahead everyone, scream it out loud. I've said I was "back" at least 10 times. I've even had some comments from 2 of my favorite bloggers. I guess it just wasn't enough to bring me back. So my new found blog inspiration is to take a photo a day and post it. I may have to rename and reformat my entire blog but... let's not put the cart before the horse... let's just take it one day at a time!
I am new to the whole DSLR world. I do feel like I've always had an eye for photography just never had the right camera.
I have many photographer friends who are always so sweet offering me advice and compliments. But if I were being honest, there are times that I feel like I'm trying to learn algebra for the 3rd year in a row. N = I+M (square) I just cannot retain the information.
F stop, ISO, aperture ..... so I have to MAKE MYSELF pick up the camera. It's so much easier to take my point and shoot but every single time I do that... I get a brilliant shot... that of course is not so brilliant.
I posted this on facebook the other day. I received many compliments. This will be my first photo kick off...
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