Wednesday, October 11, 2006

In 6 months...

I have decided to set a goal for myself.

Something to master, overcome, accomplish, or defeat.

So many ideas running through my mind.

The only way I can achieve this goal is to be a realist.

Knowing myself as I do, it has to be within my reach.

The list is endless of the things I could choose.

There's one, that only I can make happen.

To say I want to lose weight is not enough.

My goal must be the journey, not the destination.


I will

go to

the gym.

I will begin my journey of accomplishing a goal.

Not to lose the weight.....

but to make it to the gym.

In 6 months...

I will be 40.

I want to celebrate that day.

But even more...

I want to celebrate the journey.

Tomorrow, at 9 am,

if I am sitting at this computer

I will have failed.

I do not want to give myself 6 months,

I HAVE to achieve this tomorrow.


me said...

good luck, i started back in the spring and have managed to keep it up. i would love to say i have lost a ton of weight, but i haven't. i DO feel better though, and realize that is more important than anything. once you get into the routine it will be easier.

Anonymous said...

You know, it took Courtney having to be at school at 5:30am to get me going. I've been running 2 to 3 miles everyday. We did join LA Fitness and it is really cool, but I dont go very much. Sadly to say, no weight is coming off, (I joke that I run to maintain) I do feel alot better though!

PS It was awesome seeing your hubby last night. Courtney was real excited. And oh yea, G may have brothers but she has no idea how lucky she is that Grandpa isn't there all the time. Tell her not to mention boys while grandpa is there, and if she does, tell her to call Courtney!!!!

Love you.

Movin Mom said...

mega mom-
If I laugh, I laugh at all 3 of us. I would also like to be hardbody however I would settle for just fitting in some cute clothes.

Anonymous said...

You're my kind of lady.

Baby steps, sister, baby steps.

Anonymous said...

I have a good goal. You & Ontopofmygame should take all your lovely children to Fright Fest, like you both promised over the summer! Miss you.