Saturday, August 16, 2008


I have my oldest right smack in the middle of the college process. Tonight....out of the blue, my youngest and I decided to purchase this ON DEMAND. We laughed and laughed. Donny Osmond had me in stitches a couple of times. I would definitely clarify this as a comedy, however at the end ... I found myself crying. CRYING!

*SPOILER---- I think it was that moment that the mom and the dad were saying goodbye to her as they dropped her off at college. Spoiler meaning.....perhaps you may not realize during the movie that it will end this way :/

ANYWAY... Even more important than the movie we watched.......
CAN I GET A HOO-HAAA for the AMERICAN MAN who had me screaming with GLEE tonight...MICHAEL PHELPS
NUMERO OCHO on the GOLD!!!!!!

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